Listing current toys

923 toys

ID Name Status Shelf # pieces Category Age Range Manufacturer
376 Farm Bingo On loan Shelf No 5 BG: Board Games 4 years
666 Wooden Truck + stacking shapes In library Shelf No 2 13 Stt: Stacking toy 1-2 years
763 Small Geometric Puzzle In library Ocean Shores 9 P: Puzzles
692 Drill Bosch In library Ocean Shores 4 Tools: Hammering sets, Workbench
220 Simple objects puzzle In library P: Puzzles
410 Big School Bus puzzle 23 pieces In library Shelf No 4 23 P: Puzzles 3 years
371 Green Garbage truck On loan (overdue) Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
392 Number Matching Puzzles In library Shelf No 5 21 P: Puzzles 3 years
513 Noah’s Ark 21 parts In library Shelf No 2 21 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
390 Caddy Coaster In library RO: Ride Ons
427 Doll +red dress +pants In library Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls
237 Tractor..mega blocks and driver In library Shelf No 7 5 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
828 Baby toys x3 In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
881 Enchanted Forest Game In library Ocean Shores 37 G: Games above 4 years
941 Pattern Block Activity Cards In library Shelf No 5 P: Puzzles above 4 years
448 Picture Word Lotto In library P: Puzzles
555 Wooden Shapes for Patterns In library Shelf No 5 EL : early learning above 4 years
658 Hammer set 8 parts In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
274 Maxi Building Set ‘Lazy101 bits’ In library Ocean Shores 102 CST: Construction
207 Big Dolls House puzzle In library Shelf No 5 P: Puzzles 3 years
64 Stencil art In library 6 P: Puzzles
330 Hammering heads In library BBY: Baby toys
133 Tri 3 In library P: Puzzles
319 NSmall Green Garbage Truck In library 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
464 Snakes & Ladders In library P: Puzzles
690 Remote and phone In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
701 Bath Tug Boat 1 piece In library Shelf No 1 1 Bath: Bath toys under 1
638 Abacus and puzzle clock In library Shelf No 2 1 EL : early learning 3 years
852 Talking Scout In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
626 Shopping List Game In library Shelf No 5 38 G: Games above 4 years
188 Felt creations In library Shelf No 4 12 CST: Construction
530 Jumbo Lacing Beads In library Shelf No 5 23 P: Puzzles 3 years
333 Moods & Emotions In library TR: Teaching resource
535 Ranger’s Vehicle In library T: Trucks and Cars
481 Large work bench In library CST: Construction
505 Puzzle Cards In library P: Puzzles
536 Girl Bear Bix In library P: Puzzles
914 Plastic mobile phone with sounds In library Shelf No 1 M: Music 1-2 years
175 Match-A-Balloon In library Shelf No 5 32 P: Puzzles 3 years
48 Animal Train In library MI: Miscellaneous
58 Animal Puzzles x 3 In library P: Puzzles
918 Musical catterpillar On loan (overdue) Shelf No 2 M: Music 1-2 years
194 Small Big Biggest In library Shelf No 5 40 P: Puzzles 3 years
303 Plastic trucks In library T: Trucks and Cars
683 Helicopter In library Shelf No 6 1 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
24 Maths flash cards On loan Shelf No 5 2 TR: Teaching resource above 4 years
213 Shape House Puzzle 15 pieces In library 15 P: Puzzles
51 Cars & road jigsaw In library P: Puzzles
401 One Dog, Ten Frogs In library Shelf No 5 BG: Board Games 4 years
776 Construction Set In library Shelf No 4 22 CST: Construction above 4 years
469 Lock Activity Box In library MI: Miscellaneous
271 Tell-A-Story In library P: Puzzles
818 Wooden Pull Along Train In library 8 Pa: Pull alongs 1-2 years
421 Band kit In library 3 M: Music
353 Boy Doll + clothes In library Ocean Shores 4 Doll: Dolls
809 Stack+sort In library 19 1: Sorting
740 Musical Story Book Rhymes In library Shelf No 1 1 M: Music 1-2 years
498 Yes or No Snap In library Shelf No 5 162 P: Puzzles 4 years
870 Vetch musical Hippo On loan Shelf No 1 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
471 Playhouse In library 11 CH: Cubby Houses
508 Puzzle cards - 3 letter word endings In library Shelf No 4 42 P: Puzzles 3 years
8 Magnetic Number Game In library Shelf No 5 69 EL : early learning 3 years
800 Postbox In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning 1-2 years
573 Wooden animals x2 In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning 1-2 years
492 Hopscotch frogs In library Ocean Shores 12 P: Puzzles
731 Play castle In library Ocean Shores C: Castles 3 years
560 Magnetic Tiles In library Shelf No 5 2 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
255 Alphabet & Transport Puzzle In library P: Puzzles
592 Talking doll with suit In library Doll: Dolls
749 Seabattle Game In library Shelf No 5 3 G: Games 4 years
440 Tool set In library CST: Construction
191 Wee Waffle building set with trolleys In library On top of shelves 26 B: Bicycles, scooters 3 years
395 Parquetry Blocks In library Shelf No 5 37 P: Puzzles 3 years
160 Nursery Rhymes floor puzzle In library P: Puzzles
484 Doll Bunk bed, ladder+Bedding In library 7 BBY: Baby toys
877 Blue 3wheel scooter In library Ocean Shores B: Bicycles, scooters 3 years
383 Soft building animals In library CST: Construction
475 Tonka Fire Truck In library 2 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
777 Blocks plastic In library CST: Construction
259 Building blocks In library BLKS: Building Blocks
240 Strong Man +7rings In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous
665 Stacking Thomas In library 5 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
705 Aldi Cash Register 7 Pieces In library Ocean Shores 7 K: Kitchen and Household 4 years
537 Boy Bear Box In library Shelf No 5 17 P: Puzzles 3 years
105 Numbers & counting puzzle In library Ocean Shores 16 P: Puzzles
455 Funny Faces domino In library Shelf No 4 29 P: Puzzles 3 years
949 First Aid Kit 11 pieces In library Shelf No 3 11 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
223 Mega Blocks Cement Mixer In library Ocean Shores 3 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
151 Whose home? In library P: Puzzles
201 Farm Animal puzzle 5 pieces In library Shelf No 4 5 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
582 Magnetic Fishing game On loan Shelf No 5 17 G: Games 3 years
396 Push Dump Truck On loan 2 T: Trucks and Cars
649 Hape tool set 14 parts In library Shelf No 7 14 Tools: Hammering sets, Workbench
547 Touch Sensation Blocks In library MI: Miscellaneous
110 Tumbling Tower In library Shelf No 5 47 CST: Construction above 4 years
365 Animal Cubes In library Shelf No 5 11 P: Puzzles 4 years
786 Toddler Music Set (5 pieces) In library Shelf No 2 1: Sorting 1-2 years
130 Biscuit Making Set In library K: Kitchen and Household
350 Number tablet In library EL : early learning above 4 years
179 Trolley with coloured blocks In library Free Storage BLKS: Building Blocks 3 years
183 Truck puzzle 7 pieces In library Ocean Shores 7 P: Puzzles 3 years
314 Seaplane (Green Toys) In library Ocean Shores AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
379 6 sided number puzzle 12 pieces in box In library Shelf No 4 13 P: Puzzles 4 years
403 Barney puzzle In library 36 P: Puzzles
716 Brown Teddy smallish In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
226 Junior 4 x puzzle In library Shelf No 5 37 P: Puzzles 3 years
609 Small garbage truck In library 2 T: Trucks and Cars
351 8 in 1 play centre On loan (overdue) DH: Dolls House
108 Matching Shapes In library EL : early learning
457 Shape sorter activity cube In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 1-2 years
49 Road Jigsaw & cars In library 34 P: Puzzles
56 Activity Farm In library BBY: Baby toys
121 Teletubbies puzzle In library Shelf No 5 20 P: Puzzles 3 years
87 The I spy game In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous
91 Fish Alphabet puzzle In library P: Puzzles
546 Sound Sensations In library MI: Miscellaneous
266 Blue Tonka truck with wheels In library Shelf No 6 7 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
489 Magformer 15 pieces In library Ocean Shores 17 P: Puzzles
242 All in one Play Cube In library BBY: Baby toys
367 Chico memory game In library Shelf No 5 5 P: Puzzles 3 years
516 Solid Drum+ drumstick + xylophone In library Shelf No 2 3 M: Music
842 Bag of blocks In library Free Storage 1 BLKS: Building Blocks 3 years
486 Yellow Skateboard In library B: Bicycles, scooters 3 years
90 Wooden Road system with cars In library CST: Construction 3 years
405 Dinosaur Egg Puzzle 13 pieces In library Shelf No 4 13 P: Puzzles 3 years
540 Big Bus floor puzzle In library P: Puzzles
503 Hands Number puzzle In library Shelf No 5 15 EL : early learning 3 years
117 Racing cars constuction set In library Shelf No 3 117 CST: Construction
138 Alphabet floor puzzle In library P: Puzzles
862 Push cars x 4 In library Shelf No 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
451 Duck jigsaw In library P: Puzzles
159 Caterpillar Train+3balls In library Ocean Shores 4 BBY: Baby toys
381 Paw patrol police car On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
129 Zoo truck shape sorter+7 animals On loan BBY: Baby toys
528 Car activity centre In library Shelf No 2 BBY: Baby toys under 1
409 Animal 9 cube puzzle In library Ocean Shores 9 P: Puzzles 4 years
305 Teddy Bear Colour March Express In library Shelf No 5 55 P: Puzzles 3 years
644 Matching eggs In library 20 EL : early learning 1-2 years
299 Shape Posting Snail In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys
495 Marble run In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction 4 years
22 Timber pole dolls house In library Free Storage DH: Dolls House 3 years Hape
420 tool tray helmet 9 parts In library Ocean Shores 9 CST: Construction
280 Red football In library Shelf No 5 1 G: Games 3 years
63 Clock and Abacus In library EL : early learning above 4 years
84 Fairy Dress and skirt In library COST: Costumes
737 Megablok folding table 43 parts In library Free Storage 43 BLKS: Building Blocks
377 ABC floor puzzle In library Shelf No 4 26 P: Puzzles 3 years
41 Baby traffic lights In library BBY: Baby toys
678 Picnic box,cloth7shapes In library 1: Sorting
256 Life like hospital play dollies In library Free Storage BBY: Baby toys 4 years
263 Market Friends jigsaw In library P: Puzzles
252 Blue Tricycle In library B: Bicycles, scooters
116 Grandparents 5 layer puzzle In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
497 Stepping domes In library MI: Miscellaneous
841 Cricket Bat + Ball In library Free Storage 2 G: Games 3 years
625 Spotty dog Game+26parts In library Shelf No 5 27 BG: Board Games 4 years
244 Maxi Coloredo In library P: Puzzles
317 Wooden alphabet train 27 pieces In library Shelf No 3 27 CST: Construction 4 years
115 Bowling Set In library Ocean Shores 12 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 3 years
111 Alphabet floor puzzle In library Shelf No 5 30 P: Puzzles 3 years
672 Blue Wooden motorcycle Balance Bike In library Free Storage RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
668 Baby toys…Alligator and Koala In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys
337 Roller Coaster 6 parts In library 6 RO: Ride Ons
829 Baby rattles and cruncher In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
478 Green John Deere digger In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
329 Pink and purple pram On loan Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
679 Pull along Puppy In library Pa: Pull alongs
704 Magnetic Fishing Game 11 Pieces In library Shelf No 5 11 G: Games 3 years
909 Dinosaur Mask with noise In library Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
139 Bee hive & bees In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
443 Small Tip Truck In library 5 T: Trucks and Cars
375 Airport puzzle In library P: Puzzles
621 Red racer 95 On loan (overdue) Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars
450 First jigsaw. Duck & his friends In library P: Puzzles
219 Work Tool Kit In library Shelf No 7 36 CST: Construction 4 years
929 4091 In library 1: Sorting
93 Marble Run 20 parts In library CST: Construction
4091 4091 In library MI: Miscellaneous
61 Little smart alphabet In library MI: Miscellaneous
633 Wooden Ferry 11 parts In library Shelf No 1 11 BO: Boats 3 years
655 Red Fire Truck In library Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years Green toys
186 Toddler 4x4 Car In library T: Trucks and Cars
781 Lighthouse Puzzle 9 pieces In library Shelf No 1 9 EL : early learning 3 years
943 ABC Garage In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
195 Pop up carousel In library BBY: Baby toys
228 Mega Block Train Set In library 26 TS: Train set 1-2 years
200 Coffee shop register & machine13 parts On loan 11 K: Kitchen and Household
380 Duplo primo 27 pieces In library 30 L: Lego Duplo
723 Construction Hard Hat In library Shelf No 7 1 COST: Costumes 3 years
593 Dolls pram+ mattress On loan Free Storage W: Walkers
128 Wooden blocks In library CST: Construction
433 Yellow Bull dozer In library Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
847 Talking, Walking Chipmonk In library Shelf No 2 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
373 Golf set 6 pieces In library 6 MI: Miscellaneous
444 Stacking Shapes In library P: Puzzles
696 Pink tub of 86 Blocks In library CST: Construction
756 Wooden Magnetic Cars 12 pieces In library Shelf No 1 12 P: Puzzles 3 years
78 Lil mechanic workshop In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction
277 Yellow talking robot In library Shelf No 2 1 MI: Miscellaneous above 4 years
358 Yellow trike In library RO: Ride Ons
699 Inflatable Soccer Goal In library Shelf No 7 5 1: Sorting above 4 years
574 Books x3 In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning 1-2 years
283 Junior activity gym In library 7 CH: Cubby Houses
140 Mermaid Costume 3 parts In library 3 COST: Costumes
74 Construction rods In library CST: Construction
14 Learn to Dress Cube In library EL : early learning
199 Whale see-saw In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
278 Yellow Ride On Digger On loan Ocean Shores CST: Construction 1-2 years
101 Animal Puzzles x 2 On loan Ocean Shores P: Puzzles 3 years
272 Toddler Wooden Train + 7 parts In library Ocean Shores 7 TS: Train set
473 Maze board In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys
667 Magnetic train 14 parts In library 15 TS: Train set
264 Junior labyrinth In library P: Puzzles
782 Line Up 4 (45 pieces) In library Shelf No 5 45 G: Games 4 years
153 Tonga wooden Tow Truck In library Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
208 Baby Soft Block Set 25 pierces In library Shelf No 1 25 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
467 Skip Bo Card Game In library Shelf No 5 163 G: Games above 4 years
518 Magnetic Farm Fun Board In library 26 P: Puzzles
541 Noah’s Ark puzzle In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
222 Activity house 13 pieces In library CH: Cubby Houses
521 Maracas,Tambourine & Drum 5 pieces On loan Shelf No 2 5 M: Music 1-2 years
944 Baby maze In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
519 Rock & Scoot Motorcycle In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
597 Fishing game 11 fish 2 rods In library G: Games 3 years
445 Musical activity centre In library BBY: Baby toys
23 First Cars and Planes In library T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
493 Rainbow sound blocks In library M: Music
245 Torpedo scooter In library B: Bicycles, scooters
178 Jungle puzzle In library Ocean Shores 7 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
347 Boats and blocks In library L: Lego
413 Bigger family merry-go-round In library BBY: Baby toys
387 Roly puzzle bear 4 bits In library P: Puzzles
33 Toy Bucket/ Vehicle In library Ocean Shores 17 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
342 Bowling Animals In library BBY: Baby toys
261 Tonka Tipper Truck In library Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
82 Large Bugs In library MI: Miscellaneous
149 Iron and ironing Board In library Ocean Shores K: Kitchen and Household
65 Pull Along Trailer+ blocks In library Free Storage Pa: Pull alongs 3 years
774 Yummy Food Puzzle 45 pieces In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
712 TV game mat In library Ocean Shores M: Music
459 Giant xylophone In library M: Music
680 Tiger glove puppet In library GP: Glove Puppet
561 Lady Bird Rocker In library Ocean Shores 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
494 Construction train In library CST: Construction
461 Fish & dice In library Shelf No 5 63 P: Puzzles 4 years
557 Pink ball In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
279 3 Rings & Balls In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
362 Farm Story Cards In library Shelf No 1 1: Sorting 1-2 years
148 Magicians Costume+Wand In library COST: Costumes
99 Pink Landrover In library Ocean Shores 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
361 Fruit and animals In library P: Puzzles
595 Pop up train In library Pa: Pull alongs
876 yellow digger In library Shelf No 7 2 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
77 Sound Blocks and Tip Truck In library 7 MI: Miscellaneous
553 Whose baby? In library Shelf No 4 31 P: Puzzles 3 years
431 Wooden Threading Beads In library Shelf No 5 18 P: Puzzles 3 years
326 Nesting farm animals In library BBY: Baby toys
310 Electronic Keyboard In library M: Music
141 Clown Costume In library COST: Costumes
807 Red rocket On loan (overdue) Shelf No 7 1: Sorting 4 years
454 Farm giant floor puzzle In library Shelf No 4 52 P: Puzzles 3 years
19 Construction Site floor puzzle In library Shelf No 5 36 P: Puzzles above 4 years
490 Magformer 30 In library Shelf No 5 74 CST: Construction 1-2 years
71 Road and Rail Set In library MI: Miscellaneous
747 Concrete Mixer In library Ocean Shores 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
652 Little Car puzzle In library Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles
856 Wooden pushalong car On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
161 Small Green Tractor In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys
7 2 Timber Trucks In library Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
594 Doll+daisy dress+pants In library Doll: Dolls
883 Teddy Family Puzzle 35 pieces In library Shelf No 4 36 P: Puzzles 3 years
414 Lacing beads In library P: Puzzles
676 Time, Money & Words Flash Cards In library Shelf No 5 EL : early learning above 4 years
892 Rainmaker sensory rattle & spin top 2 pieces In library Shelf No 1 2 BBY: Baby toys
309 Build & roll In library CST: Construction
294 Alphabet bingo 75 pieces + box On loan (overdue) Shelf No 5 76 G: Games above 4 years
163 Kings Costume +Crown templates In library COST: Costumes
11 Bob the Builder puzzles x2 In library 110 P: Puzzles
341 Pull along elephant+3 cubes In library Pa: Pull alongs
569 Bead counter wooden 1 piece In library Ocean Shores 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
172 Train & Number Puzzle In library Shelf No 4 19 P: Puzzles 3 years
945 Activity Cube In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys under 1
300 Poly from - building shapes In library 94 CST: Construction
447 Cotton Reel Threading In library Shelf No 5 26 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
47 Cockatoo puzzle 21 pieces In library Shelf No 4 21 P: Puzzles 3 years
773 Silver Scooter In library Ocean Shores RO: Ride Ons
640 Baby Soft Books 3 Pieces In library Ocean Shores 3 BBY: Baby toys
816 Hungry caterpillar..giant In library Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles 3 years
100 Car play carpet In library 1: Sorting 3 years
103 Spanish costume In library COST: Costumes
384 Frog wooden In library BBY: Baby toys
232 box of trucks In library 11 T: Trucks and Cars
830 Dressed up Doll On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls 3 years
212 Shape Stand +46 shapes In library 47 P: Puzzles
343 Take apart racer In library Shelf No 3 2 CST: Construction
604 Qantas Plane In library MI: Miscellaneous
170 Fruit Veggies In library MI: Miscellaneous
531 Flip & play table In library L: Lego
911 Twisting puzzle In library Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles
520 Rainbow activity tower On loan BBY: Baby toys
193 Xylophone In library M: Music
946 Activity Cube In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys under 1
344 Transport puzzle and number puzzle In library P: Puzzles
9 Yellow Plane In library Ocean Shores RO: Ride Ons
98 Bambi puzzle In library P: Puzzles
523 Vehicle Magnetic Blocks In library BLKS: Building Blocks
669 Dolls House Playmobile In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
306 Fire Truck and Railroad Train Puzzle In library Shelf No 4 50 P: Puzzles 3 years
79 Wooden Road & rail set In library Ocean Shores 67 CST: Construction
618 Duplo airplane set 55bits+box In library L: Lego
28 Asmeca In library CST: Construction above 4 years
254 Tigger & Pooh puzzle In library Ocean Shores 26 P: Puzzles 3 years
428 Accordion On loan Ocean Shores M: Music
588 Battery Dog with Numbers In library Ocean Shores 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
21 Balance Bike Glide In library B: Bicycles, scooters
31 Wee Waffle Castle In library C: Castles
894 Purple ride on car On loan Free Storage RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
942 Princess jigsaw In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles 4 years
301 Duo On loan (overdue) P: Puzzles
499 Dinosaur Abstract Puzzle In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
622 Garage In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars
406 Mega blocks truck 35 pieces+box In library Shelf No 7 35 T: Trucks and Cars 4 years
143 Alphabet Board In library Shelf No 5 35 EL : early learning 3 years
166 10 little monkeys In library MI: Miscellaneous
181 Ocean Creatures In library Shelf No 4 7 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
623 Large Megablocks In library On top of shelves 51 BLKS: Building Blocks
321 Wooden stacker and sorting toy In library 10 1: Sorting
639 Planet Puzzle 10 Pieces On loan Shelf No 4 10 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
525 Baby’s First Books In library Shelf No 1 2 BBY: Baby toys under 1
629 Lion & Pull Along Dog 2 pieces In library Shelf No 1 2 BBY: Baby toys
85 Wooden Fire Truck In library Ocean Shores 15 T: Trucks and Cars
210 Dinosaur duplo On loan Shelf No 2 80 L: Lego 3 years
438 Push Popper In library MI: Miscellaneous
120 Peek-a-boo Blocks In library MI: Miscellaneous
542 Whales sharks dolphins In library 17 MI: Miscellaneous
32 Beaded activity stand In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning
6 Wooden Train Puzzle In library 10 P: Puzzles
715 Large Pink Elephant In library Doll: Dolls 3 years
425 Puzzles: Farm & Egyptians In library P: Puzzles
605 Little Tikes Vacuum In library Ocean Shores K: Kitchen and Household
779 Lacing Boot 2 pieces In library Shelf No 5 2 EL : early learning 4 years
386 Cricket set In library Ocean Shores 9 MI: Miscellaneous
796 Tiny Tot Driver In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
647 Memory Game Mix & Match 16 Pieces In library Shelf No 5 16 G: Games 3 years
601 Dolls House 3 storey In library 5 DH: Dolls House
407 All terrain vehicle In library On top of shelves 1 B: Bicycles, scooters 1-2 years
657 Animal puzzle In library P: Puzzles
267 Garbage Truck On loan Shelf No 6 1: Sorting 3 years
45 Seesaw In library On top of shelves 1: Sorting 1-2 years
630 Wooden stroller In library Ocean Shores ST: Strollers 3 years
758 3 wheeler bike In library Free Storage 1: Sorting 3 years
549 Lifecycle jigsaw On loan 27 P: Puzzles
366 Snail and Cube In library Shelf No 1 1: Sorting under 1
891 Thomas Ride On In library On top of shelves RO: Ride Ons 3 years
296 Maracas & tambourine On loan 3 M: Music
898 John Deer Grader In library Free Storage T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
783 Giant Dragon Puzzle 61 pieces In library 61 P: Puzzles
17 Mibote magnetic shapes 56 pieces In library Shelf No 5 79 CST: Construction 3 years
391 Ride on Pirate Ship In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
686 Alphabet cubes 36+tray In library EL : early learning
506 Washing machine In library MI: Miscellaneous
533 Tolo train set In library 37 TS: Train set
642 Duplo Truck/mixed 56 Pieces In library Shelf No 3 56 L: Lego 3 years
524 Fruit Block Puzzle On loan Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
660 Abacus & Alphabet 2 pieces In library Shelf No 1 2 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 3 years
643 Love Puzzle 24 piece In library Shelf No 4 26 P: Puzzles 3 years
904 Assorted bath toys In library Shelf No 1 1: Sorting 1-2 years
663 Basketball hoop+ ball In library OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 3 years
645 Wooden Tractor & Tipper 2 pieces In library Ocean Shores 2 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
429 Accordian On loan (overdue) M: Music
902 Red trike with adult handle In library Free Storage B: Bicycles, scooters 1-2 years
472 Trike In library B: Bicycles, scooters
817 Push spinner In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 1-2 years
635 Matching Game 19 pictures In library Shelf No 5 21 G: Games 3 years
302 Doll In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
137 Fire duplo trucks In library 10 L: Lego
80 Pull Along Trailer On loan Ocean Shores Pa: Pull alongs 3 years
591 Ozzie Noah’s ark In library Shelf No 2 21 1: Sorting 1-2 years
744 Magnetic pet shop tree In library Shelf No 1 EL : early learning
134 Tunnel blue On loan MI: Miscellaneous
408 Ocean mat & mammals In library 6 MI: Miscellaneous
364 Tonka Tractor and Cart On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 2 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
620 Foam blocks In library Free Storage 30 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
937 Roll on roll off ferry In library Shelf No 1 BO: Boats 3 years
653 Anyone Wooden Construction Set In library Shelf No 3 109 CST: Construction 4 years
636 Wooden Tram 8 pieces In library Shelf No 1 8 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
417 Sand Toys In library 9 CST: Construction
515 Yellow Noisy Dump Truck In library Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
685 Opposites cards 12 pairs In library Shelf No 5 EL : early learning
708 Pink Wooden Baby Rattle and Unicorn In library Shelf No 1 2 BBY: Baby toys under 1
456 Picture Perfect In library P: Puzzles
114 Swivel ride on In library RO: Ride Ons
224 Aerobatics 16 people In library DH: Dolls House
607 Blue Tip Truck In library Shelf No 5 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
753 Stacking bear In library Stt: Stacking toy
75 Construct an animal In library Free Storage 2 CST: Construction 1-2 years
55 Dinosaur On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
419 Dog xylophone In library Ocean Shores M: Music
858 Yellow small ride on In library On top of shelves RO: Ride Ons 3 years
600 Hammer Bench On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
215 Pink Ride on train + 7 block In library Free Storage 10 RO: Ride Ons
706 Hammering Set x 2 13 pieces In library Shelf No 1 13 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
700 House Shape Sorter 12 pieces In library Shelf No 1 12 1: Sorting 1-2 years
815 Walker In library Free Storage W: Walkers under 1
824 Construction vehicles On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 3 years
687 Farm RideOn In library Free Storage RO: Ride Ons under 1
227 Basic maxi building set In library CST: Construction
772 Doll’s simple wooden cot In library Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls
884 Shape Sorter 11 pieces On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 12 1: Sorting 1-2 years
634 Ride On Cop Motorcycle In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
610 Chad Airplane On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 6 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts
650 Hungry Caterpillar Floor Puzzle 27 Pieces In library Shelf No 4 27 P: Puzzles 3 years
564 Panda xylophone+stylus In library M: Music
735 Stacking toy 6 pieces On loan Shelf No 1 6 1: Sorting 1-2 years
576 Sorting/stacking Cups 9 pieces In library Shelf No 1 9 1: Sorting 1-2 years
913 Soft Dinosaurs x 2 In library Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
689 Wooden Zoo Train Set 24 pieces In library Ocean Shores 24 TS: Train set 3 years
805 Plain Wooden Blocks In library Shelf No 3 BLKS: Building Blocks
488 Digger 3D puzzle P24 pieces In library Shelf No 7 24 P: Puzzles 3 years
570 Wooden counter In library Ocean Shores 1 EL : early learning 3 years
83 Bongo drum In library Shelf No 2 1 M: Music 1-2 years
460 Big strike bowling set In library MI: Miscellaneous
62 Pink and blue stroller In library Shelf No 5 ST: Strollers 3 years
122 Easy store table In library MI: Miscellaneous
799 4 Construction Trucks On loan Shelf No 7 4 CST: Construction
752 Little red fire engine On loan Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
571 Wooden carpenter set In library Ocean Shores 13 CST: Construction 4 years
721 Baby Suction Dragon Fly Toy In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
739 Hot Wheels Loop & Launch 18 pieces In library On top of shelves 20 T: Trucks and Cars above 4 years
34 Wooden walker with green handle In library Free Storage W: Walkers 1-2 years
189 Magnetic train 19 pieces In library 19 TS: Train set
757 Wooden Threading Blocks 25 pieces In library Shelf No 5 25 EL : early learning 3 years
866 Old MacDonald farm In library Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles 3 years
449 Ducks on Holiday. First jigsaw In library P: Puzzles
608 Bob the Builder Hard Hat In library Shelf No 5 1 CST: Construction 1-2 years
416 Zoo set In library CST: Construction
16 Shape sorter In library EL : early learning
281 Tonka Yellow Tip Truck In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years Tonka
276 Remote control robot 2 pieces In library Shelf No 2 2 MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
313 Silver buffet express 47 pieces In library 43 BLKS: Building Blocks
543 3 miniature dolls+3babies+3bottles In library Doll: Dolls 4 years
798 Giant Musical Piano In library Free Storage 1 M: Music 3 years
581 Red Fire Engine In library Shelf No 7 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
760 Wooden alphabet puzzle 27 pieces In library Shelf No 5 27 EL : early learning 3 years
532 Wooden Maze In library MI: Miscellaneous
614 Duplo Train Set In library 94 TS: Train set
284 Soccer ball In library Shelf No 5 1 G: Games 3 years
583 Magnetic funny face In library Shelf No 4 24 MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
197 Magnetic Blocks 18 In library 18 CST: Construction
320 Fischer Price Construction In library 25 CST: Construction
275 First iPad 9 pieces On loan Shelf No 1 9 EL : early learning above 4 years
501 Coloured Wooden Blocks 55 pieces In library Shelf No 3 55 BLKS: Building Blocks 1-2 years
27 In the Night Garden figures In library Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls above 4 years
439 Who’s in the jungle puzzle In library Shelf No 4 13 1: Sorting 3 years
823 Lawn mower In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
953 Lil talker dolly In library Shelf No 3 Doll: Dolls 3 years
382 Marble Run 39 pieces In library 39 CST: Construction
688 Coloured Train Set 15 Pieces In library Shelf No 3 14 TS: Train set 3 years
185 Big fire engine puzzle In library Shelf No 5 22 P: Puzzles 3 years
158 Pop up jungle animal game In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
755 Mosaic puzzle In library Ocean Shores 41 P: Puzzles
575 Puzzle Bunny 17 pieces + box In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 3 years
465 Xylophone & cymbals In library 2 M: Music
948 Junior Guess Who 7 pieces In library Shelf No 5 G: Games above 4 years
900 Pink and red doll house In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
286 Doll stroller In library ST: Strollers
850 Baby First Cars x 3 In library Shelf No 1 3 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
72 Verti Blocks In library P: Puzzles
3 Nesting Boxes In library 9 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
1 Blue helicopter+greenman In library Shelf No 7 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years Green toys
38 Cement Truck In library Shelf No 7 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
332 Noah’s Ark 15pieces In library 15 BO: Boats
748 Rock and Rhythm Band - Drumset & 2 drum sticks On loan (overdue) Free Storage 3 M: Music 3 years Hape
25 Build & roll dominoes In library 130 CST: Construction
908 Learning Cube In library Free Storage EL : early learning 1-2 years
764 Block Train In library Shelf No 1 23 Pa: Pull alongs
424 Doll In library 2 Doll: Dolls
768 Wooden Ambulance In library Shelf No 1 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
769 Wooden Musical Instrument Set 4 pieces In library Shelf No 2 4 M: Music 1-2 years
790 Duplo train In library Shelf No 1 L: Lego 3 years
40 Crocodile xylophone In library MI: Miscellaneous
397 barrow bag fork tools On loan (overdue) 6 K: Kitchen and Household
662 First Shape Sorter 5 pieces In library Shelf No 1 5 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
617 Duplo 6 vehicles in box In library 9 L: Lego
404 Brio train set In library TS: Train set
596 Attribute box+60 shapes In library 62 1: Sorting above 4 years
504 Maze Balancing Board In library RO: Ride Ons
462 Rocker Table On loan RO: Ride Ons
727 Red musical car In library Shelf No 1 1 1: Sorting 1-2 years
714 Baby Keyboard In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
733 Dumper truck Vitech put & take 4 pieces In library Shelf No 1 4 EL : early learning 1-2 years
598 Junior Scrabble In library Shelf No 5 116 BG: Board Games above 4 years
915 Abicus In library Shelf No 1 1: Sorting
619 Duplo airplane set in bin On loan L: Lego
784 Wooden Geoboard 24 pieces In library Shelf No 5 24 P: Puzzles 4 years
68 Construction shape game In library TR: Teaching resource 4 years
778 Alphabet board In library 1: Sorting
725 Tolo Train Set 23 pieces In library Ocean Shores 23 TS: Train set 3 years
205 Circular sorting box In library 10 BBY: Baby toys
734 Plastic stacking cups 7 pieces In library Shelf No 1 7 1: Sorting 1-2 years
400 Doggy Xylophone 1 piece On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 M: Music 1-2 years
848 Talking Story Book In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
703 Yellow Tip Truck 3 parts In library Shelf No 7 3 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
730 Peek & play phone In library Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
861 Guess who game In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting above 4 years
632 Red Bouncy Donkey In library Free Storage 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
76 Unicorn dress up In library Shelf No 1 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games
811 Music set 10 pieces In library 10 M: Music
30 Thomas puzzles In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
453 Yellow/green Lawn Mower On loan Free Storage MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
728 Blue & white musical wobbly bear In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
771 Wooden Sink 2 pieces In library Free Storage 2 K: Kitchen and Household 3 years
168 Sorting Shapes 14 pieces In library 11 EL : early learning
578 Puppet theatre In library Free Storage MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
745 Pets Treehouse On loan Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
584 Tip truck In library Shelf No 5 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
262 Ten pin bowling game 7 pieces + bag In library Shelf No 7 8 G: Games 4 years
136 Clock puzzle In library P: Puzzles
741 Coloured Plastic Helicopter In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
336 Green Golf Buggy In library RO: Ride Ons
732 Fisher Price talking monkey In library Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
435 Truck + mega blocks On loan Shelf No 6 26 T: Trucks and Cars
370 Wooden climbing frame On loan Free Storage SL: Slides 3 years
67 Baby Rattle In library BBY: Baby toys under 1
20 Black pick up truck In library 1 RO: Ride Ons
554 Bag of balls In library On top of shelves 1 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
814 Wooden work bench 24 pieces On loan (overdue) Free Storage 24 CST: Construction 3 years
750 Magnetic Aeroplane On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 6 1: Sorting 1-2 years
135 Wooden fire engine 2parts On loan Shelf No 6 2 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
211 Blonde Doll+Back Pack+6 clothing In library Shelf No 3 8 Doll: Dolls 3 years
422 Yellow balls In library MI: Miscellaneous
878 Little tikes vacuum In library Free Storage K: Kitchen and Household 1-2 years
470 Pirate ship In library 17 MI: Miscellaneous
821 Big marble run In library 1: Sorting
187 Wildlife Memory In library Shelf No 5 43 P: Puzzles 4 years
792 Little Tikes Basketball Hoop On loan Free Storage 1 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 3 years
659 Cars Jigsaw Puzzle In library Shelf No 4 102 P: Puzzles above 4 years
882 Car Transporter 6 cars In library T: Trucks and Cars
599 Baby Truck In library Ocean Shores 2 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
248 Mother & Baby Rabbit puzzle In library P: Puzzles
204 Fire Engine..Mega Block In library Shelf No 6 2 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
66 Xylophone In library Ocean Shores M: Music 1-2 years
551 Mega Block Car + Blocks 27 pieces In library 27 CST: Construction 1-2 years
324 Farm domino In library Shelf No 4 22 EL : early learning 4 years
589 Musical book In library Ocean Shores 1 M: Music 3 years
288 Thomas push down release engine In library Shelf No 1 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
843 Pull along old fashioned phone In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting Fisher price
411 Racing Car In library RO: Ride Ons
556 Toy kitchen On loan (overdue) Shelf No 2 K: Kitchen and Household 3 years
718 Play Mat turquoise and yellow In library BBY: Baby toys under 1
323 Dress the bears 52 pieces In library Ocean Shores 52 EL : early learning 4 years
656 Push along puppy In library Ocean Shores Pa: Pull alongs
833 Baby with carrier In library Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls 1-2 years
463 Where’s Miffy - Ravensburger puzzle In library P: Puzzles
775 Sit In Baby Activity Centre In library Free Storage 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
917 Talking Dinosaur On loan Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous
849 Baby Shape Sorter 4 pieces In library Free Storage 4 1: Sorting 3 years
132 River, Roads & Rails In library P: Puzzles
935 Fisher Price campervan On loan Shelf No 1 T: Trucks and Cars 4 years Fisher price
202 Potato Head In library Shelf No 5 Stt: Stacking toy 3 years
651 Wooden Blocks 101 pieces In library Shelf No 3 103 BLKS: Building Blocks 1-2 years
290 Half dozen egg shapes 13 pieces In library Shelf No 1 13 EL : early learning 3 years
402 Farm box+tractor+11animals In library Shelf No 1 F: Farm
885 Lion King Magnetic Drawing Pad In library Shelf No 5 1 MI: Miscellaneous
184 Alphabet Frame In library MI: Miscellaneous
378 Transformer On loan (overdue) Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 4 years
5 Pull along puppy with sounds In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
118 Skateboard In library Free Storage OUT: Outdoor and Party Games above 4 years
820 4 in a row In library G: Games
37 Dump Truck In library T: Trucks and Cars
44 Wooden Clock In library EL : early learning
4 4 first puzzles In library Shelf No 5 P: Puzzles 3 years
446 27 Alphabet number dices In library Shelf No 5 EL : early learning above 4 years
372 Ride on Digger On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores CST: Construction
354 Witches Hats 8 In library 1: Sorting
873 Segment Ball 14 pieces In library Shelf No 4 14 P: Puzzles 4 years
298 ABC match it Game 51 pieces + box In library Shelf No 5 51 1: Sorting 4 years
738 Cardboard books 3 In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
860 Animal sounds train In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
432 Alphabet Sound Bus In library Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 3 years
393 Wooden Whales x 3 In library Shelf No 1 MI: Miscellaneous
156 Wooden Alphabet Puzzle In library Shelf No 6 1: Sorting above 4 years
694 Dress up board In library Ocean Shores 16 COST: Costumes
566 Wiggles puzzle In library Free Storage P: Puzzles 3 years
442 Ready for school book In library Shelf No 5 1: Sorting above 4 years
702 Activity Cube 4 pieces In library Shelf No 1 5 EL : early learning 1-2 years
109 Garbage Truck On loan (overdue) 1: Sorting 3 years
825 Construction vehicles and cone In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
239 Rocket Red +car+1 astronaut On loan (overdue) 3 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts
613 Fisher Price Posting Box In library 5 BBY: Baby toys
54 Rocking Red Motorbike (soft) In library RO: Ride Ons
509 Pink Ride on.. In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
577 Baby rattles 8 Pieces In library Shelf No 1 8 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
654 Orange Tractor + Bin 2 pieces In library Shelf No 6 2 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
127 Play about walker On loan BBY: Baby toys
785 Tortoise 9 & Snake 4 Wooden Puzzles On loan (overdue) Shelf No 5 13 P: Puzzles 3 years
562 Trumpet In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
124 Purple scaly dress up dress In library Shelf No 2 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 4 years
322 Abacuses ABC On loan Shelf No 5 EL : early learning above 4 years
359 Red white fire engine In library T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
369 Magnetic Blocks 58 tiles On loan Ocean Shores 59 BLKS: Building Blocks 3 years
441 Tonka Fire Truck In library T: Trucks and Cars
872 Fisher Price Zebra Block Play 3 pieces On loan Shelf No 1 3 BBY: Baby toys
415 Teepee indoor In library Free Storage 10 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
677 Pull along phone In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
590 Car with girl In library Ocean Shores 1 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
250 Elephant stacker In library BBY: Baby toys
145 3D Puzzles x 2 On loan (overdue) Shelf No 5 P: Puzzles 3 years
695 13 Hot wheels cars On loan Shelf No 3 1: Sorting
808 2 Wooden puzzles 26 bits train & animal In library Shelf No 4 26 P: Puzzles 3 years
854 Orange recycle truck On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars
243 Mega Jumbling Tower 45 pieces+box In library Shelf No 5 46 G: Games above 4 years
675 Pink guitar In library Shelf No 2 M: Music
104 3 Wooded Diggers In library Shelf No 7 3 1: Sorting 1-2 years
759 Wooden Musical Instruments 6 pieces In library Shelf No 2 6 M: Music 1-2 years
423 Puppet Set In library Shelf No 5 12 1: Sorting 3 years
762 Wooden Shape Pull Along 16 pieces In library Shelf No 1 15 Pa: Pull alongs 1-2 years
602 Computer toy Needs Batteries On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores BG: Board Games above 4 years
331 Yellow Rocking Horse (low) In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
698 Mini Trampoline 1 Piece In library Free Storage 1 MI: Miscellaneous above 4 years
711 Wooden toddler activity walker In library Ocean Shores W: Walkers
545 Noah’s ark stackable puzzle In library Shelf No 4 21 P: Puzzles above 4 years
766 Rocket Bath Toy In library Shelf No 1 1 Bath: Bath toys 1-2 years
500 Tone block & cymbals In library M: Music
106 Spelling Bee 27 pieces In library Shelf No 5 27 G: Games 3 years
217 Bright Buttons Board Game In library Shelf No 5 236 G: Games 3 years
437 Loaded lemons In library Shelf No 5 18 MI: Miscellaneous above 4 years
466 Tutu In library 1 COST: Costumes above 4 years
527 Mulching mower On loan RO: Ride Ons
819 Wooden Rolling Cat In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
950 Claris Mouse Jigsaw 60 pieces In library Shelf No 4 61 P: Puzzles 3 years
468 Dino Tails Book In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
338 Kaleidoscope On loan Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 3 years
726 Magnetic Molecule/Train Set 55 Pieces In library Shelf No 3 55 CST: Construction 4 years
144 Fisher Price Actvity Tray In library BBY: Baby toys
59 Wooden puzzle In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting above 4 years
418 Castle pounder with Ball and Hammer On loan 5 Tools: Hammering sets, Workbench
150 Halloween dress purple In library Shelf No 2 COST: Costumes 4 years
857 Pirate Ship Puzzle 80 pieces In library Shelf No 4 82 1: Sorting above 4 years
507 Green Golf Set 11 pieces In library Free Storage 11 G: Games 3 years
81 School bus +5 people In library T: Trucks and Cars
348 Egg to chicken puzzle 6 pieces In library Shelf No 4 6 P: Puzzles 1-2 years
251 Animal pop up On loan Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
795 Dump truck In library Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars
355 Walker In library W: Walkers
374 16 trucks and cars +mat In library 20 T: Trucks and Cars
162 Fisher Price Walker In library BBY: Baby toys
709 Bouncing Ball Push Along 1 piece In library Shelf No 1 1 Pa: Pull alongs 1-2 years
434 Fisher price shape wheel In library Shelf No 1 10 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
867 Dinosaur Adventure Jigsaw 45 pieces On loan (overdue) Shelf No 4 46 P: Puzzles above 4 years
565 Yellow/Orange Tip Truck 3 Pieces In library Ocean Shores 3 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
247 Slippery slide small In library SL: Slides
328 Truck and car In library 2 T: Trucks and Cars
838 Star Wars Bobble Heads In library Shelf No 5 5 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
538 Sound puzzle farm animals In library Shelf No 4 9 P: Puzzles 3 years
57 Ride on Bee In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
851 Light Up Talking Owl In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
496 Blippi Garbage Truck 4 pieces On loan (overdue) Shelf No 7 4 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
834 Cluedo Junior In library Shelf No 5 33 BG: Board Games above 4 years
544 11 Sea Creatures In library 13 MI: Miscellaneous
154 First Wooden Train Sets 18 pieces On loan Shelf No 3 18 TS: Train set 1-2 years
787 Bowling Game 7 pieces In library Shelf No 5 7 G: Games 4 years
624 The Magic School Bus In library Shelf No 7 BUS: Bus playmobil
180 Cricket Set In library Free Storage 8 G: Games 4 years
304 Monster puzzle On loan Shelf No 5 25 P: Puzzles 4 years
479 Animal block puzzle In library P: Puzzles 3 years
253 Waffle land building set In library Ocean Shores 60 BLKS: Building Blocks 3 years
846 Talking Unicorn In library Shelf No 2 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
761 Wooden Insect (7) & African Animal (7) Puzzle 14 pieces In library Shelf No 5 14 P: Puzzles 3 years
947 Pet Vet 7 pieces On loan Shelf No 3 7 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
312 Manetico 26 parts In library Ocean Shores 26 CST: Construction
548 Dolls Cradle pinkmattress In library MI: Miscellaneous
767 Remote Control Vtech In library Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 3 years
839 Pink Motorcycle In library Free Storage B: Bicycles, scooters 1-2 years
315 Little Tikes red car In library RO: Ride Ons
724 Wooden Numbered Skittles On loan Ocean Shores 7 G: Games 3 years
826 Bag of Balls In library Free Storage BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
46 Railway- Little People In library Ocean Shores 18 MI: Miscellaneous
221 Blue Rocking Horse On loan Ocean Shores 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
835 Alphabet floor puzzle In library Shelf No 4 27 P: Puzzles 3 years
92 Rocking tricycle In library B: Bicycles, scooters
257 Castle In library On top of shelves 3 C: Castles 1-2 years
813 Vinyl skittles 9 piece In library Ocean Shores 9 G: Games 3 years
238 Pale blue frozen dress In library Shelf No 2 COST: Costumes 4 years
2 Baby toy stick In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
558 Batmobile car In library Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
940 Ferris wheel In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
477 Beach Toys On loan (overdue) Free Storage 2 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
587 Cargo plane + car In library Shelf No 5 2 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
864 Mega Blocks Pink Car 4 pieces In library Shelf No 7 4 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
412 Shape sorter sphere In library Ocean Shores 8 1: Sorting 1-2 years
171 Hammer Ball Game On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 5 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
389 Yellow school bus 5 people In library Shelf No 6 6 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
697 Red Lady Bug Car 1 piece On loan Ocean Shores 1 B: Bicycles, scooters 3 years
89 Fire Engine no sounds In library Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
586 Wooden garage + vehicles On loan Shelf No 4 12 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
287 Netball In library Shelf No 5 1 G: Games 4 years
579 Elephant Drum On loan (overdue) Shelf No 2 1 M: Music 1-2 years
906 Sorting wooden box In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 1-2 years
69 Ironing Board with Iron In library MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
485 Creative Kitchen 69 pieces In library Ocean Shores 69 K: Kitchen and Household
899 Spinning top and sensory cubes 7 pieces In library Shelf No 1 6 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
840 Wooden Stacking Toy In library Shelf No 1 1: Sorting 1-2 years
646 Bananas in Pyjamas Game 30 pieces In library Shelf No 4 30 EL : early learning 4 years
426 Toddler doll In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys
360 Dinosaur & In The Garden puzzles In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
585 Box + trucks In library Shelf No 4 11 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
903 Rainmaker rattle In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
249 Black skeleton dress with tutu In library Shelf No 4 COST: Costumes above 4 years
164 Little People Racer+4 cars On loan 3 MI: Miscellaneous
36 Pop up ball and target game. On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 18 G: Games 4 years
480 OK Duplo like set in Red box On loan (overdue) CST: Construction
291 Peek-a-boo Activity Centre In library MI: Miscellaneous
806 Pepper Pig Car In library Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
39 Baby cogs On loan (overdue) BBY: Baby toys
788 Connetix magnetic tiles On loan (overdue) 100 CST: Construction 3 years
452 Hungry Caterpillar Book and Wooden Caterpillar In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
327 Turn & learn cube On loan Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 3 years
791 Lady Bug Ride On On loan (overdue) On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
844 Small tonka garbage truck In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction Tonka
307 Mermaid tail and tutú In library Shelf No 5 COST: Costumes 4 years
836 « Where do I live ? » World lotto In library Shelf No 5 33 1: Sorting 3 years
349 Wooden Car & Ball Racer On loan Shelf No 1 4 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
476 Big Red Bus In library 4 1: Sorting 3 years
845 Small fire truck In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction
837 Cake monster boardgame In library Shelf No 5 49 BG: Board Games 3 years
627 Small fire engine In library Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
802 Plastic Digger In library Shelf No 6 1 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
859 Golf Set 5 Pieces In library Free Storage OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 3 years
616 Baby ducks pull rope In library Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys under 1
43 Dinosaur, T Rex In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
522 Blue Musical Walker In library Ocean Shores 1 W: Walkers 1-2 years
241 Thomas Tank 2 Percy Engines 3 pieces In library Shelf No 6 3 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
719 Aero plane On loan 1: Sorting 1-2 years Green toys
780 Mosaic wooden puzzle In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
539 Pull along ducks In library Shelf No 1 Pa: Pull alongs 1-2 years
510 Red car ride-on whirlee In library Ocean Shores 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
95 Giggle & Hoot match the cards game On loan Ocean Shores 26 P: Puzzles 3 years
233 Farm & Sea Baby Puzzles 12 pieces On loan Shelf No 4 12 P: Puzzles 3 years
514 Magnetic rocket puzzle..3D In library Ocean Shores AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
176 2 Sets nesting cups In library Free Storage BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
268 Tonka 4x4 Truck In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years Tonka
335 I spy match & go fish games 2x48 cards 2 boxes In library Shelf No 5 96 G: Games 3 years
112 Giant Badminton Set 5 pieces In library Free Storage 5 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games above 4 years
167 Lock Activity Box On loan (overdue) Shelf No 2 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
157 Nesting cups x 2 In library Free Storage BBY: Baby toys
863 Musical Train pop Up On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
502 Rainbow Popit Fidget In library Shelf No 1 1 1: Sorting 3 years
920 Jet, Helicopter and Boat In library Shelf No 5 T: Trucks and Cars 4 years
311 Purple Frozen dress On loan (overdue) Shelf No 3 COST: Costumes
810 Sound fun In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
751 Wooden Rainbow stacker Puzzle 6 pieces On loan Shelf No 1 7 P: Puzzles 3 years
926 Green Digger In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction 3 years Green toys
35 Bead threader and counter In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning
363 Baby Musical Toys In library 4 1: Sorting under 1
743 Rescue Helicopter In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars
951 Find it Australia 50 pieces In library Shelf No 4 51 P: Puzzles 3 years
886 Pull Along Zoo Wagon 7 pieces In library Shelf No 2 7 Pa: Pull alongs 3 years
512 Fantasy Blocks 14 parts In library Ocean Shores BLKS: Building Blocks
458 Dishwasher/sink 12 pieces In library 13 K: Kitchen and Household
399 Garage car Wash In library Free Storage 3 MI: Miscellaneous
827 Large marble run In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
230 Cyclops Ride on In library RO: Ride Ons
925 Grader On loan Ocean Shores CST: Construction 1-2 years Green toys
86 Red accordian In library Ocean Shores M: Music 3 years
15 Pram blue & pink On loan (overdue) 3 ST: Strollers
293 Dr Seuss ABC floor puzzle 48 pieces+box In library Shelf No 4 49 P: Puzzles above 4 years
736 Black & white rocker In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
297 Coloured Popit fidget In library Shelf No 1 1 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
612 New Wooden Noah’s Ark15 parts In library Ocean Shores 15 EL : early learning
119 Wooden Dolls House with Furniture In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
368 Turtle shape game In library BBY: Baby toys
13 Mauve Dress In library 1 COST: Costumes
720 Pop up Turtle In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
50 Mega Construction Blocks In library Shelf No 3 48 1: Sorting 1-2 years
285 6 Cars and 2 Transformer Cars In library 1: Sorting 3 years
952 Junior Jigsaw 4 in 1 120 pieces In library Shelf No 4 P: Puzzles above 4 years
126 Kitchen Utensils In library 31 BBY: Baby toys
196 Fanta colour Mosaics In library Shelf No 5 54 P: Puzzles 3 years
534 Rugged Riggs Sports Car Carrier On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars
209 Thomas fuzzy felt In library Free Storage MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
880 Shape Tower In library Shelf No 1 12 1: Sorting 1-2 years
292 Animal matching pairs memory game 36 pieces+box In library Shelf No 5 37 G: Games 3 years
177 Beaded Frame In library BBY: Baby toys
289 Green sea plane In library T: Trucks and Cars
113 Vegetable Garden 14 parts In library Shelf No 5 P: Puzzles 3 years
88 Tonga 4x4 Ute In library Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
717 Barbie #1 blue dress In library 1: Sorting above 4 years
879 Clock shapes and numbers In library Shelf No 2 13 EL : early learning 4 years
131 Wooden walker with blue handle In library Free Storage W: Walkers 1-2 years
797 Small Cement Mixer 3 pieces On loan Shelf No 1 3 EL : early learning 3 years
710 Toddler walker In library Free Storage W: Walkers 1-2 years
318 Wooden Pull Truck In library Shelf No 1 8 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
295 Frozen memory game 36 pieces + box In library Shelf No 5 37 G: Games 4 years
568 Quacking Ducks Pull Along 1 piece In library Ocean Shores Pa: Pull alongs 1-2 years
661 First xylophone In library Shelf No 2 1 M: Music 1-2 years
273 Colorama Game In library Ocean Shores P: Puzzles
615 DUPLO Farm & Animal Set On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores 134 CST: Construction
550 Build a Village Game In library Shelf No 5 35 P: Puzzles 3 years
684 Submarine In library Shelf No 6 Bath: Bath toys
29 Slippy Slide On loan SL: Slides
529 Duplo In library Ocean Shores CST: Construction 3 years
203 Little People’s Bus 4people In library T: Trucks and Cars
10 Keyboard In library M: Music
793 Fisher Price talking helicopter 2 pieces In library 2 1: Sorting
182 Blue Ride On Car On loan (overdue) Free Storage RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years Fisher price
430 Post Van puzzle In library Shelf No 5 17 P: Puzzles 3 years
928 Abicus and Alphabet In library Ocean Shores EL : early learning 3 years
765 Press & Pop Up Numbers 1 piece In library Shelf No 1 1 EL : early learning 1-2 years
474 John Deere tractor In library 1: Sorting 3 years
746 Pull along sausage dog On loan Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys
236 Farm + zoo puzzles In library P: Puzzles
517 Fisher price Plane In library Shelf No 6 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
52 Groceries In library 29 K: Kitchen and Household
580 Red Farm barn In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House
606 High Chair & Potty & Feeding set In library 9 BBY: Baby toys
356 Mocka bike pink In library B: Bicycles, scooters
801 Musical Steering Wheel On loan Shelf No 1 1 1: Sorting 3 years
682 Play station fisher price In library Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
631 Ramp Racer +car On loan (overdue) 2 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years
691 Dyson cleaner On loan K: Kitchen and Household
812 Wooden Tricycle In library Free Storage B: Bicycles, scooters 1-2 years
198 Farm Animals In library BBY: Baby toys
922 Dancing Pubching Robot In library Shelf No 3 M: Music
269 Wooden Rocket Large 2 Pieces On loan Free Storage 2 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 4 years
357 Racing team set In library Free Storage 3 T: Trucks and Cars
897 Ride on walker activity centre In library Ocean Shores W: Walkers 1-2 years
896 Dancing musical playmat In library Shelf No 5 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games above 4 years
673 Pink Pixie Bike In library Ocean Shores B: Bicycles, scooters
483 Drumming set In library Shelf No 2 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
147 Chef’s collection & kitchen utensils In library Ocean Shores 1 K: Kitchen and Household
887 Giant jumbling tower / jenga In library Ocean Shores BLKS: Building Blocks above 4 years
526 Discover sounds iron In library MI: Miscellaneous
487 London Red Bus 26 pieces In library Shelf No 6 20 1: Sorting 3 years
123 Three families 20peeps In library 20 MI: Miscellaneous
742 Talking Aeroplane In library 1 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts
73 Noah’s ark +4animals In library Ocean Shores 5 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
804 Pink Dolls House + 19 Furniture In library Free Storage 20 DH: Dolls House 3 years
895 Ball pit On loan Ocean Shores 100 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
681 Stacking rings 9parts On loan 9 1: Sorting 1-2 years
70 Riding Horse In library RO: Ride Ons 3 years
831 Asian doll with Paddington bear toy In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
671 Musical Train & Carriage 2 pieces In library Shelf No 1 2 EL : early learning 1-2 years
552 Sydney Ferry Sirius In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
637 Xylophone In library Ocean Shores 2 M: Music 1-2 years
628 Fire Engine In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
890 PopTo The Shop board game In library Free Storage EL : early learning 4 years
18 Little tikes activity centre On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
888 White walker with activity centre On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores W: Walkers 1-2 years
919 Green Dinosaur On loan (overdue) Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous 1-2 years
921 Brown Dinosaur with sounds On loan Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
924 Monster Truck On loan Shelf No 5 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
923 Remote Control Monster Truck In library Shelf No 6 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
346 Push ‘N Ride Walker In library On top of shelves 1 RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
822 Baby marble run On loan Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
436 Little People Main Street In library Ocean Shores 18 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
398 Toddler Car Track In library Shelf No 2 1: Sorting 1-2 years
218 Memory Box On loan Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous
231 Zoo lockbox In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 1-2 years
869 Blue Scooter In library Free Storage B: Bicycles, scooters 4 years
146 White/red Balance Motor Roller In library Ocean Shores B: Bicycles, scooters
670 Rolling Balls On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
96 Color Stacking circles In library 16 BBY: Baby toys
907 Walker trolley with blocks In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting
927 Fire Engine In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years Green toys
225 Fishing game In library Free Storage 1: Sorting 3 years
931 Alphabet spin sing On loan (overdue) EL : early learning under 1 playmobil
832 Special Baby girl doll with clothes In library Ocean Shores Doll: Dolls 3 years
572 Picnic Basket 7shapes+cloth On loan Shelf No 1 10 1: Sorting 1-2 years
559 Sound round In library 1 M: Music 1-2 years
603 Stand up activity centre On loan (overdue) Ocean Shores BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
563 Hape building set, crane plus 3 diggers. On loan (overdue) On top of shelves T: Trucks and Cars
511 12 Frog hoppers box lid On loan Shelf No 5 14 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
910 Red electric guitar In library Shelf No 2 M: Music 3 years
94 Domino Disney In library Shelf No 5 1: Sorting 4 years
865 Woden travel dolls house In library Ocean Shores DH: Dolls House 4 years
938 Wooden Alphabet and number blocks In library Shelf No 5 27 EL : early learning 4 years
308 Submarine (Green Toys) In library Ocean Shores Bath: Bath toys 1-2 years
713 Dinosaur Escape Game In library Shelf No 5 24 1: Sorting above 4 years
246 Red wheel barrow + 3 tools On loan 4 RO: Ride Ons
260 Wooden Truck with 4 people In library Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars 1-2 years
933 Activity pushalong On loan (overdue) W: Walkers 1-2 years
932 Piano In library M: Music 1-2 years Hape
693 Red/Orange Noah’s Ark 12 Pieces In library Ocean Shores 12 Bath: Bath toys 1-2 years playmobil
934 Le Toy Van In library T: Trucks and Cars under 1
107 Tip truck sorter In library Shelf No 6 1: Sorting 3 years
345 Croquet set In library MI: Miscellaneous
334 Bee push top In library Shelf No 1 1 BBY: Baby toys 1-2 years
754 Blue tug boat and stacking cups In library Ocean Shores MI: Miscellaneous
936 Submersible helicopter On loan (overdue) Shelf No 1 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 3 years
258 Blocks In library Shelf No 2 BLKS: Building Blocks 1-2 years
567 Toy shop cash register In library Free Storage 9 EL : early learning 4 years
664 Baby xylophone In library Shelf No 2 M: Music 1-2 years
26 carousel,car wooden+3 people In library 5 MI: Miscellaneous
97 Tonka Front Loader On loan (overdue) Free Storage T: Trucks and Cars 3 years Tonka
265 Olli Ella Rattan Luggy In library Free Storage 1: Sorting 3 years
868 Handyman set In library Shelf No 6 Tools: Hammering sets, Workbench 3 years
955 Baby in bath plus clothes In library Shelf No 3 BBY: Baby toys 3 years
270 9 Dinosaurs and Animals On loan (overdue) 14 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
956 Pirate hats In library OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 4 years
234 Duplo Train set In library Shelf No 3 11 L: Lego Duplo
12 Frozen Dress pink purple On loan On top of shelves MI: Miscellaneous 4 years
339 Dinosaur floor puzzle 50 pieces + box In library Shelf No 4 51 P: Puzzles 3 years
930 Drum set In library 1 M: Music 1-2 years Hape
939 Connect 4 Shots Ball Game In library Shelf No 5 21 G: Games above 4 years
216 Wooden shape inset hoard On loan Free Storage P: Puzzles 1-2 years
916 Walking Dinosaur On loan Shelf No 3 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
893 Green ride-on car In library Free Storage RO: Ride Ons 1-2 years
325 White double bunks In library Free Storage DH: Dolls House 3 years
905 Pink wheeled shopping basket In library Free Storage K: Kitchen and Household 3 years
855 Ambulance In library Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 4 years
53 Lawn Mower On loan 1: Sorting 1-2 years
874 Little Tikes Slippery slide In library Free Storage 2 OUT: Outdoor and Party Games 3 years
152 Road Mat and cars On loan Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 4 years
901 Pink and red doll house On loan 1: Sorting
674 Bingo colour In library Shelf No 5 BG: Board Games 4 years
722 Playmobil plane In library Shelf No 7 AIR: Rockets and Aircrafts 1-2 years playmobil
853 Dinosaur transport truck On loan Ocean Shores T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
875 Green Man transporter On loan (overdue) Shelf No 7 T: Trucks and Cars 3 years
770 Garbage truck In library Ocean Shores 1: Sorting 3 years
889 Wooden Drum Kit 3 pieces In library Shelf No 2 3 M: Music 3 years Hape
803 Children’s Garden Tool Kit 7 pieces On loan (overdue) Free Storage 7 MI: Miscellaneous 3 years
707 Cash Register 6 Pieces In library Shelf No 2 6 K: Kitchen and Household 4 years